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Last updated
Because the BTNS protocol's SEND method requires more than double the GAS fee, it is recommended to debit and buy when the gas fee is relatively low. (We are actively seeking technical solutions to help reduce additional costs during the transaction process).
No. The quantity listed is determined during the debit, and for each item, you can only manage the on/off-sale status and modify the price, but not the sales quantity. Therefore, please determine the quantity to be sold at once during the debit.
Different quantities can be listed multiple times within the unlisted quantity range, and prices can be separately configured.
Due to ongoing developments in the Bitcoin network, older Counterparty protocol may not fully support Nested SegWit and Taproot address types, considering technical complexity, security, and community consensus. To log in to Mark3.ai, ensure your address is fully supported. Here's how to switch address types:
Step 1: Open Unisat wallet, click on the settings button in the bottom right corner, and then click on the address type button.
Step 2: Click on either Legacy or Native SegWit, as shown in the image, to complete the address type switch.
Step 3: On the Mark3.ai website, click 'Connect Wallet' and log in using the new address.